The Swedish dockers’ union decides on a blockade against Israeli ships and goods

Weapons of mass destruction heading for Gaza

People ask themselves how to react to Monday’s bloodbath on the Mavi Marmara. Svenska hamnarbetarförbundet, the Swedish dockers’ union, has made a first contribution to that debate: it has decided on a blockade against Israeli ships and goods from June 15 at 00.00 hour to June 24 at 24.00 hour. Here is their press release, in Swedish and in English translation:

Varsel om blockad av israeliska fartyg och israeliskt gods
onsdag 02 juni 2010 Björn A. Borg Svenska Hamnarbetarförbundet har idag varslat om blockad av alla israeliska fartyg och gods till och från Israel som hanteras av förbundets medlemmar. Blockaden kommer att träda ikraft kl. 00.00 tisdag den 15 juni och varar till kl. 24.00 torsdag den 24 juni.

Skälet till blockaden är det exempellösa kriminella överfallet på den fredliga fartygskonvojen Ship to Gaza. Ett flertal fredsaktivister mördades av israeliska kommandosoldater och övriga deltagare internerades utan någon som helst grund.

Svenska Hamnarbetarförbundet, som stödjer Ship to Gaza, vill med åtgärden protestera mot staten Israels folkrättsliga övergrepp mot en konvoj med fredsaktivister och materiella förnödenheter till den p.g.a. en likaså folkrättslig blockad lidande befolkningen i Gaza.

Svenska Hamnarbetarförbundet kräver att de för övergreppet ansvariga ställs inför rätta, att folkrätten respekteras av staten Israel och att blockaden av Gaza omedelbart hävs.

Svenska Hamnarbetarförbundet vill uppmana andra fackförbund och övriga organisationer att ta liknande initiativ och uppmanar till en allmän blockad av israeliska varor till dess det palestinska folkets rättigheter tillgodosetts i allmänhet och i synnerhet att blockaden av Gaza hävts.

translation: Notification of a blockade on Israeli ships and Israeli goods
The Swedish Dockers’ Union has today notified its intention to enforce a blockade on all Israeli ships and goods coming from or destined to Israel that are handled by its members. The blockade will enter into force on Tuesday June 15 at 00.00 hours and it will last to Thursday June 24 at 24.00 hours.

The reason for this blockade is the unprecedented criminal agression against the peaceful convoy Ship to Gaza. Several peace activists were murdered by Israeli commando soldiers and the other participants were detained without any justification.

The Swedish Dockers’ Union, which supports Ship to Gaza, wants through this measure to protest against the Israeli government’s violation of international law by agressing a convoy of peace activists and emergency supplies to the population of Gaza, which is suffering an equally illegal blockade.

The Swedish Dockers’ Union demands that those responsible for this outrage be brought to justice, that Israel pays respect to international law and that the blockade of Gaza be lifted immediately.

The Swedish Dockers’ Union calls on other trade unions and organisations to take similar initiatives and calls for a general blockade of Israeli goods until the rights of the Palestinian people are guaranteed and the blockade of Gaza is lifted..

The press release goes on to cite the names of contact persons to be called for complementary information.

If you have information about similar initiatives, emanating from trade unions or other organisations, and consisting of a blockade, boycott, disinvestment or sanctions against Israel, please provide more information in the comments section.

33 Réponses

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Mondoweiss, Hossam el-Hamalawy,, arabist, Hugh Green and others. Hugh Green said: RT @Mondoweiss: RT @ibnkafka: Translation in English of the Swedish Dockers' Union's blockade decision against Israeli ships and goods […]

  2. To the Swedish Dockers,

    My eyes are in tears
    My heart is filled the happiness

    I salute you all in the name of humanity.

    God bless you all.

  3. Thaqnk You, Sweden!
    My own government will not do this, so I thank you for hearing so many people around the globe!

    From: Austin, TX, USA..

  4. To the Swedish Dockers Union,

    You set an example of moral action to back up moral indignation and outrage. You set an example for all of us.

    Thank You !

  5. To the Swedish Dockers Union,

    Thank you for having the dignity and integrity to do what is right, in these troubling times. I only hope the rest of the world will follow you.

    Cork, Rep. of Ireland

  6. Thank you!!! Your bravery in the face of this social injustice warms my heart and gives me hope for a more peaceful future.

  7. […] – såg jag nyheten om att Svenska Hamnarbetareförbundet inleder blockad av Israeliska fartyg och gods per den 15:e juni alldeles strax. Motiveringen? “Skälet till blockaden är det exempellösa […]

  8. This means WAR against the Jewish people. We will avenge your aiding the Nazis in World War II with your sale to Hitler of ballbearings and steel. This will never end and it will be only resolved when all of your country is destroyed, death to Sweden and its Nazi citizens.

  9. You bastards will pay with your blood for this. The Jewish people will never rest until you cease to exist.

  10. THank you for these brave actions that even the most democratic countries don’t do. God bless you, I hope people around the world start waking up and acting against the inhumanity that palestinian live everyday

  11. Thank you on behalf of all peace and freedom loving people for your very courageous stance against the terrible injustices inflicted on the Palestinian people of Gaza. Your action will warm the hearts of the besieged people of Gaza and give them hope that this time the world conscious has been awakened at last and hopefully others around the world will emulate you in your very brave and practical actions that will send a clear message to the governmemt in Israel that the world will now stand and be on the side of justice and dignity for the Palestinians and the occupation and the siege have to end.
    Simon Hardy

  12. Well done to the people of Sweden. Let us hope that the rest of the world follows your lead. Your courage and dignity are an example to all of us. Your country should be proud of you.

    God bless you

    Keith P

    Dublin, Ireland

  13. […] Union decided to blockade all Israeli ships and cargo to and from Israel from June 15 to 29.… […]

  14. […] – In response to an appeal by the BNC, theSwedish Port Workers Union decided to blockade all Israeli ships and cargo to and from Israel from June 15to 29.… […]

  15. Thank you! In the name of all Palestinians and all those who fight for freedom and justice, I salute you!
    Amazing move .. Amazing people!

    Thank you!

  16. Thank you for your courageous step. Enough is enough. Suffocation, collective punishment, and siege of 2 million people must come to an end.

  17. […] Axis of Evil People Power! The Swedish dockers’ union decides on a blockade against Israeli ships and goods […]

  18. There is no blockade to GAZA! The Hamas have a south border with their Islamic brothers (Comrades) of Egypt.
    Why don’t you Boycott Egypt?
    The Truth is antisemitism from old times has never stopped.
    Most Israelis are nonreligious, unlike all Islamic nations shouting from there houses of Parliament for the destruction of Israel.
    If Hamas recognizes the right of Israel to exist and stop firing rockets on a day by day basis,And Iran’s president will stop threatening to wipe out Israel and stop sending weapons to Gaza
    The sea blockade would be over in weeks, with the help of worldwide countries.
    Do you the The Swedish Dockers Union recognize the right of Israel to exist ?
    Do you except the 2 state solution. 1 Jewish and 1 Palestinian?

  19. […] People Power. Swedish dockers blockade Israeli ships & goods June 6, 2010 By Power Point Paradise People Power! The Swedish dockers’ union decides on a blockade against Israeli ships and goods […]

  20. As a life-long Zionist, I am appalled by the Swedish dockers boycott of Israeli ships. Have you people decided to imitate your grandparents assistance to the Nazis against the Jews during WW2? Your action is shameful and will lead to the impoverishment of Sweden. I am asking all Israeli medical equipment companies to boycott their sale of heart and stroke medical equiment to Swedish hospitals and to impose sanctions against the thousands of Swedish tourists with skin diseases who travel to Israel each year begging for Jewish cures.

    This will result in a doubling of the annual suicide rate in Sweden.

  21. I am a Palestinian Christian.I know very well the future in store for us if the Palestinian Hamas Muslims defeat israel. They will chop off our heads unless we flee. The Swedes should wake up! Time to stop eating so many meatballs and join the fight against the murderous jihadists ganging up on Israel, our sole protector at this time.

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