En France, pas en Israël

Eric Hazan, courageux éditeur de La Fabrique, qui à part les livres de Jacques Rancière, Alain Badiou ou le Comité invisible sort pas mal de livres sur la Palestine, et ce n’est pas vraiment à son avantage du point de vue médiatique (dans le sens des mainstream medias):

De façon générale, nos positions sur la Palestine nous ont valu des haines, le mot n’est pas trop fort. Et cela retentit sur le traitement médiatique qui est fait à La Fabrique. (Eric Hazan, Article XI)

Parmi les livres sur la Palestine publiés par La Fabrique, on retrouve de Norman Finkelstein, des titres des journalistes de Haaretz Amira Hass et Gidéon Lévy, l’universitaire étatsuno-palestinien Rashid Khalidi et l’historien israëlien post-sioniste Ilan Pappé.

Le Hamas se tire une rafale de mitrailleuse lourde dans la tête

J’ai appris que l’Autorité palestinienne, qui à Gaza est contrôlée par le Hamas, a décidé d’expulser de Gaza Amira Hass:

Haaretz Last update – 23:09 01/12/2008
Hamas tells Haaretz journalist Amira Hass to leave Gaza
By Tomer Zarchin, Haaretz Correspondent and The Associated Press
Veteran Haaretz journalist Amira Hass, who traveled by boat to Hamas-ruled Gaza last month in defiance of Israel’s blockade of the territory, was detained in Sderot on Monday after Hamas instructed her to leave the Strip.

The award-winning reporter said Hamas cited security concerns as the reason for her expulsion, but added that Hamas officials did not provide details about the alleged dangers to her safety.

She was apprehended at the Erez border crossing between Gaza and Israel, where soldiers said she did not have the proper documents to permit her initial entry into the Hamas-ruled territory.

Hass defied Israel’s ban on its citizens entering Gaza, in place since the outbreak of Israeli-Palestinian fighting in 2000, when she entered the Strip by boat on November 8.

The danger to Israelis was highlighted after Palestinian militants, including those from Hamas, captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in a cross-border raid in 2006. Shalit remains in captivity, presumably held by Hamas.

Israel also maintains a blockade on Gaza, imposed after Hamas seized power there last year.

An Israeli injunction issued by the Israel Defense Forces also prohibits foreign journalists from entering the Gaza Strip.

Chief Superintendent Shimon Nahmani, the commander of the Sderot police department, said that Hass had arrived at the border crossing on her way back into Israel from Gaza, where she was taken into police custody and escorted to the Sderot police station for questioning.

« We questioned her and she said that she entered Gaza for work purposes and that no one tried to prevent her from entering, » he said, adding that she had been released and that the case will be handed over to the courts during the coming week.

Hass arrived in Gaza on a boat carrying pro-Palestinian activists who were trying to draw attention to hardship in Gaza as a result of the border closures. Israel let the boats through, but on Monday turned back a Libyan freighter that was to deliver 3,000 tons of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Hass said she had hoped to stay in Gaza until January.

Shadowy Gaza groups have kidnapped reporters in the past. However, no journalists have been kidnapped since Hamas seized power.

Security officials from Hamas accompanied Hass while she was in Gaza. Hass said she did not request Hamas escorts.

Hamas spokesmen were not available for comment on Monday.

Hass, known for her sympathetic coverage of the Palestinians, is well known in the Gaza Strip. She wrote a book about Gaza and lived in the territory for several years. She currently lives in the West Bank town of Ramallah.

Hass is the recipient of several awards for her reporting, including a United Nations award in 2003.

Pour ceux qui ne la connaîtraient pas, cette journaliste israëlienne est, avec d’autres journalistes du même quotidien (Haaretz) tels que Gideon Levy et Tom Segev, une des critiques les plus conséquentes et assidues de la politique de colonisation d’Israël en Palestine. Leur ethnicité leur permet sans doute de tenir des propos d’une dureté qui vaudraient sans doute licenciement et poursuites pénales à votre serviteur.

La situation en Palestine est d’une confusion détestable: entre les collabos autour d’Abou Mazen et de Mohamed Dahlan et les pestiférés du Hamas, l’embryon de guerre civile inter-palestinienne obscurcit les crimes continus du gouvernement israëlien, qui colonise, discrimine et tue sans discontinuer. D’une clarté autrefois limpide, la question palestinienne prend désormais l’allure d’une vendetta entre clans siciliens ou albanais. En interdisant à Amira Hass l’accès à Gaza, le Hamas fait taire une voix qui rappelait inlassablement la réalité de la colonisation.

Il faut défendre les Palestiniens en dépit de leurs « représentants »…